Clinical Dental Hygiene Lab (DEHL)

DEHL 1800  Dental Hygiene Clinic 1  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: DEHC 1003, DESL 1200, DES 1800, and DESL 1800 - all courses with a grade of "C" or higher  
Corequisites: DEH 1800 and DESL 1840  
Lab Fee: Yes  

This is the first of four clinical dental hygiene courses. Students begin patient care on relatively non-complex patients in a closely monitored clinical environment. They apply clinic policies, safety practices, assessment procedures, radiographic techniques, instrumentation, stain removal and the application of fluorides learned in pre-clinical courses to create individualized care plans. New skills or more advanced techniques are attained in patient education, treatment planning, root detoxification, periodontal assessment and recording, instrument sharpening, debridement techniques inclusive of cleaning dental prosthesis, stain removal and application of preventive adjunctive products.

DEHL 1802  Dental Hygiene Clinic 2  
Credit Hours:   2  
Prerequisites: DEHL 1800 and DEH 1800 - both courses with a grade of "C" or higher  
Corequisites: DEH 1802  
Lab Fee: Yes  

This course provides continuing clinical practice and mastery of basic patient assessment and education, instrumentation, radiographic techniques, and customized treatment specific to individual patient care. Students are introduced to adjunctive techniques utilizing ultrasonic scaling devices and air-powder polishers.

DEHL 2300  Pharmacology and Pain Control Laboratory  
Credit Hours:   1  
Prerequisites: BSCC 2094 with a grade of "C" or higher  
Corequisites: DEH 2300  

This lab expands and applies information learned in DEH 2300. Critical thinking is developed with consideration for pharmacologic aspects of patient treatment and care planning. Safe dental hygiene practice is emphasized. This course provides student opportunities to practice pharmacologic procedures and pain control practices in a laboratory and pre-clinical setting. Local anesthesia administration and nitrous oxide monitoring are main foci.

DEHL 2702  Community Dental Health 2  
Credit Hours:   1  
Prerequisites: DEH 2701 with a grade of "C" or higher  
Lab Fee: Yes  

This course is designed to give the dental hygiene student an opportunity to apply concepts and methods learned in DEH 2701 to realistic community settings. Student project and dental research will be designed and implemented inclusive of evaluation tools.

DEHL 2804  Dental Hygiene Clinic 3  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: DEH 1802 and DEHL 1802 - both courses with a grade of "C" or higher  
Corequisites: DEH 2804  
Lab Fee: Yes  

This course continues to emphasize proficiency in oral prophylaxis, root surface debridement, and individualized treatment planning. In addition, the student will utilize intraoral photography, provide nutritional counseling, treat special needs patients, and use critical thinking in developing comprehensive maintenance treatment planning and care appointments. A comprehensive periodontally involved patient treatment case is required.

DEHL 2806  Dental Hygiene Clinic 4  
Credit Hours:   4  
Prerequisites: DEH 2804 and DEHL 2804 - both courses with a grade of "C" or higher  
Corequisites: DEH 2806  
Lab Fee: Yes  

This is the final course in a series of four clinical courses. This course emphasizes increased efficiency in the provision of oral prophylaxis, root surface detoxification, comprehensive treatment planning and use of ultrasonics and air polishers. Critical thinking skills are emphasized during patient care to include evidence-based sequential treatment planning. Self-assessment and application of professional ethical judgment is expected in all areas of clinical practices. In addition, students prepare for state licensure and entry level employment.