English Composition (ENC)

ENC 1101  Composition 1  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: Appropriate test scores in reading and writing or exemption from placement testing  
General Education Category: Communications Core Course, Communications General Ed  

This course introduces students to rhetorical concepts and audience-centered approaches to writing including composing processes, language conventions and style, and critical analysis and engagement with written texts and other forms of communication. This is a state-designated general education core course.

ENC 1101H  Honors Composition 1  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: Appropriate test scores in reading and writing or exemption from placement testing and admission to the EFSC Honors Program  
General Education Category: Communications Core Course, Communications General Ed  

This course introduces students to rhetorical concepts and audience-centered approaches to writing including composing processes, language conventions and style, and critical analysis and engagement with written texts and other forms of communication. This is an honors course and a state-designated general education core course.

ENC 1102  Composition 2  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: ENC 1101, ENC 1101H, or equivalent with a grade of "C" or higher  
General Education Category: Communications General Ed  

This course is a continuation of academic writing, critical reading, and critical thinking skills from ENC 1101, with emphasis on either writing about literature (including selections from fiction, poetry, drama, and/or creative nonfiction) or writing about nonfiction issues from scholarly sources using various rhetorical strategies. Readings provide the basis for essay writing, critical analysis, and research. Multiple written assignments, including one documented research project, and a minimum overall grade of "C" are mandatory to meet College-Level Communication & Computational Skills Rule and General Education requirements. Course meets General Education and College Level Communications Skills requirements.

ENC 1102H  Honors Composition 2  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: ENC 1101 or ENC 1101H with a grade of "C" or higher and admission to the EFSC Honors Program  
General Education Category: Communications General Ed  

This course is a continuation of academic writing, critical reading, and critical thinking skills from ENC 1101, with emphasis on either writing about literature (including selections from fiction, poetry, drama, and/or creative nonfiction) or writing about nonfiction issues from scholarly sources using various rhetorical strategies. Readings provide the basis for essay writing, critical analysis, and research, as well as exploration of varied perspectives and universal themes. This course is designed to fulfill the objectives of ENC 1102 in a setting of intensified study, discussion, collaborative and creative investigation, and in-depth analysis of written works. Multiple written assignments, including one documented research project, and a minimum overall grade of "C" are mandatory to meet College-Level Communication & Computational Skills Rule and General Education requirements. Course meets General Education and College Level Communications Skills requirements.

ENC 2210  Technical Writing  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: ENC 1101 with a grade of C or higher  

This course develops writing skills needed in business, industry, and technology. Students produce a variety of technical and workplace documents, demonstrating an understanding of purpose, function, form, audience, and tone.

ENC 2948  Service Learning Field Studies 1  
Credit Hours:   1  

This course gives students opportunity to understand the relationship of theory to practice through participation in a service-learning experience. Students are required to complete 20 hours of volunteer work, a service-learning contract, and an oral and written reflection of the experience.

ENC 3241  Technical Writing for Professionals  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: Appropriate test scores in reading and writing or exemption from placement testing and departmental approval or admission to Bachelor's program required  

A composition course focusing on writing for science, technology and healthcare. Assignments may include organizational communication (memos, emails, and letters), discussion forums or blogs, reports, summaries/abstracts, proposals, and oral presentations. Students use a variety of research and investigative techniques to produce in-depth documented papers on science, technology, or healthcare subjects for both classroom and workplace applications.