Entrepreneurship (ENT)

ENT 2000  Introduction to Entrepreneurship  
Credit Hours:   3  

This course provides a balance of the academic and applied components of entrepreneurship education by introducing theories, methods, knowledge, and skills required of entrepreneurs. This is a comprehensive course which elucidates the life cycle of an entrepreneurial venture from concept through implementation into harvesting or replication including the importance of cybersecurity for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).

ENT 2112  Business Plans  
Credit Hours:   3  

This course provides students with essential resources to develop successful business plans. Key components include financial and funding requirements, company description, market analysis, identifying strategic partners and customers, developing marketing strategies, and examining industry trends.

ENT 2172  Opportunity Analysis and Franchising  
Credit Hours:   3  

This course prepares students to act entrepreneurially in order to recognize and create opportunities for taking action in uncertain environments. Methods for starting or running a profit or not-for-profit business and working within a large corporation are emphasized. Topics include aspects of starting and managing a franchise business in addition to evaluating franchise opportunities.

ENT 2302  Funding Acquisition and Legal Issues  
Credit Hours:   3  

This course examines resources for a start-up business with emphases on finding, planning, and negotiating business opportunities in conjunction with various funding sources for financial support. It includes developing skills in written document preparation and a comprehensive review of contract law, legal pitfalls, and regulatory mandates.

ENT 2411  Small Business Accounting and Finance  
Credit Hours:   3  

This course is designed specifically for students seeking a Certificate in Entrepreneurship, or an elective toward an AS in Business. It does not fulfill the complete accounting requirements for the AS degree in Business. Competencies and learning outcomes are intended to provide fundamental application capabilities in accounting and finance procedures to individuals seeking to own and operate a small business enterprise.

ENT 2948  Service Learning Field Studies 1  
Credit Hours:   1  

This course gives students opportunity to understand the relationship of theory to practice through participation in a service-learning experience. Students are required to complete 20 hours of volunteer work, a service-learning contract, and an oral and written reflection of the experience.