Finance (FIN)

FIN 1100  Personal Finance  
Credit Hours:   3  

The student will develop capabilities for managing income and expenditures with emphasis on saving and investment plans, buying/selling a house, acquiring health, auto and life insurance coverage, borrowing money and entering into various contracts.

FIN 2000  Principles of Finance  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: ACG 2021 with a grade of "C" or higher  

This course is a study of financial institutions, investment techniques, and financial management. Students will examine acquisition of funds, cash flow, financial analysis, capital budgeting, and capital structure.

FIN 2948  Service Learning Field Studies 1  
Credit Hours:   1  

This course gives students opportunity to understand the relationship of theory to practice through participation in a service-learning experience. Students are required to complete 20 hours of volunteer work, a service-learning contract, and an oral and written reflection of the experience.

FIN 3402  Financial Management  
Credit Hours:   3  

This course introduces managerial finance concepts including fundamentals of finance and decision-making frameworks maximizing shareholders' investments. Students will investigate financial statements, financial planning and forecasting, time value of money, risk and rates of return, asset valuation, capital budgeting, capital structure, dividend policy, and working capital management

FIN 4232  Money, Banking, and Financial Markets  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: ACG 3024, ECP 3703, and FIN 3402 – all courses with a grade of "C" or higher  

The primary objective of this course is to equip the student with a strong comprehension of the financial system, and the role of banks and central banks in developing and executing monetary policies. The student will develop both a qualitative and quantitative appreciation of money, interest rate dynamics, intermediation, and the characteristics of financial markets.

FIN 4323  Bank Operations and Management  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: FIN 3402 with a grade of "C" or higher  

This course provides a managerial examination of the major operating functions of the banking industry. Emphasis will be on the student developing a solid foundation from a managerial perspective of money and interest, deposits, negotiable instruments, bank loans, mortgages, commercial lending, specialized services, security, and ethics.

FIN 4414  Advanced Topics in Financial Management  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: BRC 4203, FIN 4232, and FIN 4323 – all courses with a grade of "C" or higher  

This capstone course is an advanced study of banking and financial management that relates the underlying principles of finance to the decision-making perspective of the financial manager. Selected topics include capital and cash budgeting, cash flow valuation, debt financing, financial planning and forecasting, long- and short-term finance, mergers and acquisitions, risk analysis, and working capital management. Students will apply financial management concepts and analytical techniques to analyze and solve real world financial problems and issues.