French Language (FRE)

FRE 1120  French 1  
Credit Hours:   4  

This course provides basic communication skills for students interested in the functional use of the French in everyday situations by integrating basic grammar, vocabulary, composition and culture through a conversational approach to the language. This course is suitable for students in the A.A. and A.S. programs requiring essential skills as preparation for university parallel programs. The use of the Language Lab, tutorial, and individualized instruction are integral course components. The fourth credit hour may be administered outside of regular class meeting time.

FRE 1121  French 2  
Credit Hours:   4  
Prerequisites: FRE 1120 with a grade of "C" or higher or one year of high school French or consent of instructor  

French 2 provides basic communication for students interested in functional use of language in everyday situations and/or for students in AA and AS programs requiring essential skills in language as preparation for university parallel programs. Use of Language Lab, tutorial and individualized instruction are integral elements of the course.