Management (MAN)

MAN 2021  Business Management Principles  
Credit Hours:   3  

This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental principles and concepts of organizational management including primary functions of managers and history of modern management. In addition, career readiness, various effective and efficient business management practices are also covered.

MAN 2043  Quality Management Control  
Credit Hours:   3  

This course provides an overview of the history and current practices related to product quality and process quality management for creating project deliverables. Topics include continuous process improvement, performance measures, statistical process control and benchmarking. Students will be introduced to the concepts of quality management including quality planning, quality assurance, and quality control. Concepts of team management, group processes, and problem-solving skills will be introduced. Various measurement tools for process improvement and control will be examined.

MAN 2125  Supervision and Performance Improvement  
Credit Hours:   3  

In this course, students will develop and demonstrate skills necessary for supervisory roles in business including: identifying and communicating performance objectives and standards; leading, motivating, and coaching teams and individuals; and developing strategies to improve on-the-job performance.

MAN 2948  Service Learning Field Studies 1  
Credit Hours:   1  

This course gives the student the opportunity to understand the relationship of theory to practice through participation in a service-learning experience. Students are required to complete 20 hours of volunteer work, a service-learning contract, and an oral and written reflection of the experience.

MAN 3240  Organizational Behavior  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: Departmental approval or admission to Bachelor's program required  

This course explores individual and group behavior in organizations. Students develop an understanding of effective organizational management. Course content includes organizational design and structure, culture and diversity, influence, power and politics, motivation, team and group dynamics, problem-solving and decision-making sciences, employee performance and commitment, conflict resolution and negotiation, stress management, business and personal ethics, organizational change and development.

MAN 3303  Management and Leadership  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: Departmental approval or admission to Bachelor's program required  

This course presents concepts, principles, and techniques of business leadership. Emphasis will be on developing a solid leadership foundation while centering on the real themes, demands, and opportunities of an evolving and dynamic business workplace. This course will incorporate basic leadership skill development as it relates to the core aspects of the management practice.

MAN 4162  Customer Relations for Managers  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: Departmental approval or admission to Bachelor's program required  

This course teaches relationship building for all customers of an organization. The impact of culture and diversity on business relationships, successful negotiation strategies, and promotion of the organization through media relations are discussed.

MAN 4301  Human Resource Management  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: Departmental approval or admission to Bachelor's program required  

This course is a study of the functions of Human Resource Management including job design, recruitment, selection, benefits and compensation, performance evaluation, reward systems, development of employees and formulation of human resource procedures. The strategic role of human resources and current issues will be discussed.

MAN 4320  Human Resource Recruitment and Selection  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: MAN 4301 with a grade of "C" or higher  

This course explores Human Resource staffing models, manpower forecasting and planning, internal and external recruitment, employment selection and staffing, and the hiring decision-making processes. Additional topics include job analysis and design, legal issues in recruitment and staffing, and manpower retention management.

MAN 4330  Compensation Management  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: MAN 4301 with a grade of "C" or higher  

This course provides a managerial perspective of compensation management to include strategic compensation, executive compensation, employee benefits, employer-sponsored retirement plans, healthcare insurance programs, legally required benefits, and contemporary issues or challenges for Human Resource Management and compensation professionals.

MAN 4350  Human Resource Professional Development  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: MAN 4301 with a grade of "C" or higher  

This course explores contemporary training and development issues affecting Human Resource Management and professional training specialists. Topics include strategic training, needs assessment, program design, training evaluation, traditional training methods, technology-based training techniques, career development and succession planning, social responsibility and legal issues, as well as the future of professional training and development.

MAN 4401  Employer and Labor Relations  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: MAN 4320, MAN 4330, and MAN 4350 - all courses with a grade of "C" or higher  

This course provides a managerial perspective of labor and manpower concepts with emphases on issues in industrial and post-industrial society and work organizations. Topics include labor history, labor law, collective bargaining, conflict management, grievance arbitration, grievance procedures, union organizing, impasse procedures, workplace discipline, globalization constraints, and current issues in labor-management relations.

MAN 4504  Operational Decision Making  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: Departmental approval or admission to Bachelor's program required  

This course teaches approaches to improve the processes and productivity in organizations with an emphasis on managing a project from identification of needs through to end. Students will learn how to identify needs and then define, assign, and track items. Included is the importance of quality and outcomes, efficiency, forecasting, work flow processes, inventory control, design of goods and services, waiting lines, and critical paths.

MAN 4583  Project Management  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: Departmental approval or admission to Bachelor's program required  

This course is designed to provide a fundamental understanding of the basic principles of program and project management including project initiation, evaluation, and selection. Core concepts examined in this course include project manager selection, project planning, risk management, and effective negotiation and conflict resolution techniques. Further, methods and techniques for project implementation including budgeting, scheduling, resource allocation, and other control methods are explored.

MAN 4720  Strategic Management and Decision Making  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: Departmental approval or admission to Bachelor's program required  

This course emphasizes strategic planning and strategy implementation in an organization. Students learn how to formulate strategic, tactical, and operational goals and objectives; perform internal and external audits, identify problems, develop action plans, and evaluate action plans for effectiveness and results. Case studies are utilized to promote decision-making abilities.

MAN 4900  Capstone - Management and Leadership  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: MAN 4504, MAN 4583, and MAN 4720 - all courses with a grade of "C" or higher  

This course reviews the integration and application of knowledge, skills, and abilities learned through the Organizational Management Program through the completion of a comprehensive capstone project. This capstone course must be taken in the last semester of the program.

MAN 4901  Capstone - Human Resource Management  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: MAN 4320, MAN 4330, and MAN 4350 - all courses with a grade of "C" or higher  

This course explores Human Resource Management and strategic planning from a practitioner’s perspective. The course focuses on creating systems using practical application of theory for selection and placement, training, internal and external recruitment, and compensation and benefits. Additional topics include job analysis and design, legal issues in recruitment and staffing, and manpower retention management.