Science Education (SCE)
SCE 3940 Internship
Credit Hours: 4
This course represents a culminating experience in preparation of ethical, professional, knowledgeable, reflective educational leaders. The semester-long internship provides student teachers the opportunity to be active participants in diverse classrooms. During the internship, student teachers integrate theory and practice, utilize their knowledge of current research on teaching and learning, and refine their knowledge and skills. In addition, the internship provides student teachers an opportunity to engage in critical reflection, create meaning from teaching experiences, and discover their identities as teachers. Becoming a master teacher is an ongoing, developmental process, and this internship provides student teachers with their foundation. This course is correlates to the Florida Reading Competencies and Educator Pre-professional and Accomplished Practices and contains a biweekly, direct field experience/service-learning component. Students must undergo district approved level two security clearance to participate in field experience.
SCE 4941 Student Teaching in Science (Senior Internship)
Credit Hours: 9
Prerequisites: Last course in the BS Science Teacher Education Program
This course is a culminating experience in student teacher’s preparation of prospective as knowledgeable, reflective practitioners and emerging leaders who conduct themselves ethically and professionally. The semester-long student teaching provides student teachers a plethora of opportunities within classroom settings to refine knowledge, skills, and dispositions they have developed as active participants in their teacher preparation program. During the 16-week student teaching experience, emerging educators integrate theory and practice and begin to utilize their knowledge of current research on teaching and learning. The semester-long student teaching experience will provide developing teachers an opportunity to engage in critical reflection as they create meaning out of their experiences and attempt to discover their own voices and identities as teachers. Becoming a master teacher is an ongoing, developmental process and this student teaching experience provides students with the foundation necessary for continued professional growth and development. This course is correlated to the Florida Reading Competencies and Educator Pre-professional and Accomplished Practices and contains a biweekly direct field experience/service-learning component. Students desiring to complete the direct field experience must undergo a district approved level two security clearance.
SCE 4943 Seminar in Student Teaching
Credit Hours: 3
This seminar examines the major philosophical and historical developments of science and their implications on science classroom. Students will explore the nature of science, scientific explanation and the difference philosophical perspectives, and sciences’ scholarly endeavors. Students will explore personal views about science, and this influence on learning and teaching. This course will address the Florida Educator Accomplishment Practices (FEAPs) and the Professional Education Competencies (PEC), as they relate to secondary science teachers in Florida. In addition, Competencies and Skills Required for Teacher Certification in Florida (23rd Edition) will be used for secondary sciences: Biology 6-12 (02); Chemistry 6-12 (03); Earth-Space Science 6-12 (08); Middle Grades General Science 5-9 (04); and Physics 6-12 (32). This course is designed to develop students' pre-professional competencies and practices in following FEAPs and PEC's: Instructional Design and Lesson Planning (FEAP 1a, 1b/PEC 1.2., 1.5, 1.6., 1.7, 1.8), The Learning Environment (FEAP 2a, 2d, 2g, 2h/PEC 2.1, 2.4, 2.7, 2.8), Instructional Delivery and Facilitation (FEAP 3d, 3e, 3g /PEC 3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 3.10), and Continuous Professional Improvement (FEAP 5a, 5c, 5f/PEC 5.1, 5.3).