Computer Engineering Tech (CET)
This course will provide the individual with an understanding of the logical architecture of computing devices and associated peripherals. Topics of computer hardware, operating systems, networking, and security are covered. Students will receive online laboratory and hands-on experience with troubleshooting, repair, and maintenance. Computers will be disassembled and/or reassembled and operating system(s) will be installed. Diagnostic software will be used to analyze the hardware and peripheral devices. Operating systems will be installed, configured, diagnosed, and networked within a peer-to-peer configuration. This course will also cover lab safety, environmental issues, face-to-face and online communication skills, central processing units (CPU), memory, and removable storage devices.
The objective of this course is to sharpen the student’s cyber defense skills by preparing for and participating in cyber defense competitions. This capstone course builds on the background from other foundation courses in cybersecurity and utilizes team-based consulting projects to provide students with methodologies and hands-on experiments for diagnosing and solving real-world cybersecurity and information assurance problems. Students will inventory a live network, conduct assessments and needs analysis, harden information systems, monitor the network infrastructure, detect and thwart attacks, respond to incidents, and prepare reports.