Writing Developmental Ed (ENCV)

ENCV 0025  Developmental Writing 2  
Hours:   4  
Prerequisites: Appropriate placement test score in writing  

In this course, students learn college entry-level writing skills. The course covers content development and organization for short essays, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. Critical thinking and collaborative learning are emphasized. Classroom and online activities, writing assignments, and other appropriate technology tools reinforce these skills.

ENCV 0027  Combined Developmental Reading and Writing  
Hours:   4  
Prerequisites: Appropriate test scores in reading and writing or exemption from placement testing  

This course covers, in combined form, the learning objectives of upper level developmental reading and writing courses. Course delivery is a combination of class lecture, activities, and essay writing. The course is open to any exempt or non-exempt student with postsecondary education readiness test (PERT) scores of at least 84 in reading and 89 in writing. However, students with PERT scores below 90 in writing or in reading, or with similar scores on comparable placement tests, are advised to enroll first in separate reading and /or writing courses. Successful completion of the course will satisfy the developmental reading and writing requirement and allow students to enroll in ENC 1101.