Mathematics General & Finite (MGF)

MGF 1106  Topics in Mathematics  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: MAT 1033 or MGF 1100-either course with a grade of “C” or higher, or appropriate placement test scores  
General Education Category: Math Skills Requirement, Mathematics Core Course, Mathematics General Education  

This is a general education mathematics course which includes the following topics: sets, logical reasoning, geometry, counting methods, probability, and statistics.

MGF 1107  Explorations in Mathematics  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: MAT 1033 or MGF 1100 with a grade of "C" or higher, or appropriate placement test scores  
General Education Category: Math Skills Requirement, Mathematics Core Course, Mathematics General Education  

This is a general education mathematics course which includes the following topics: numeration systems, elementary number theory, financial mathematics, graph theory, and voting methods.

MGF 1130  Mathematical Thinking  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: MATV 0028 with a grade of 'S' or MATV 0057 with the grade of 'C' or higher, or appropriate placement test score or exemption from placement testing  
General Education Category: Math Skills Requirement, Mathematics Core Course, Mathematics General Education  

In this course, students will utilize multiple means of problem solving through student-centered mathematical exploration. The course is designed to teach students to think more effectively and vastly increase their problem-solving ability through practical application and divergent thinking. This course is appropriate for students in a wide range of disciplines/programs. This is a state designated general education core mathematics course.

MGF 1131  Mathematics in Context  
Credit Hours:   3  
Prerequisites: MATV 0028 with a grade of 'S' or MATV 0057 with a grade of 'C' or higher, or appropriate placement test score  
General Education Category: Math Skills Requirement, Mathematics General Education  

Through this course, students will experience the practicality of mathematics in a global society. Students will engage in the applications of tools and techniques of mathematics in a variety of contextual situations from everyday life. This course is appropriate for students in a wide range of disciplines/programs. This is a general mathematics course which includes the following topics: statistics, probability, financial mathematics, and voting methods.