Student Life Skills (SLS)

SLS 1101  Success Strategies for College and Life  
Credit Hours:   3  

This course helps students to be successful in college and life by empowering them to use critical thinking skills to make academic, life, and career decisions. Students consider their confidence and motivation, self-esteem, self-awareness, self-management, interpersonal communication skills, and emotional intelligence while learning college customs, reviewing study skills, and exploring their own definitions of a rich, fulfilling life.

SLS 1301  Career Exploration  
Credit Hours:   3  

This course provides the strategies and skills necessary for a lifetime of career-related decision making. Students will explore personal and professional interests, values, and abilities through various assessment techniques and hands-on experience. Does not meet Core Scholar requirements.

SLS 2261  Leadership  
Credit Hours:   3  

This course is designed for students to learn the processes of leadership, which is the process of influencing human behavior so as to accomplish predetermined goals. Students will be given the opportunity to model leadership skills.

SLS 2261H  Honors Leadership  
Credit Hours:   3  

This Honor's course is designed for students to learn the processes of leadership, which is the process of influencing human behavior so as to accomplish predetermined goals. Students will be given the opportunity to model leadership skills.

SLS 2401  Discover Your Major and Career  
Credit Hours:   3  

This course helps students select majors that will support their career choices and utilizes self-exploration and career assessment data. In addition, the course offers students opportunities for educational planning, networking, career decision making, interviewing, and job searching.

SLS 2948  Service Learning Field Studies 1  
Credit Hours:   1  

This course gives the student the opportunity to understand the relationship of theory to practice through participation in a service-learning experience. Students are required to complete 20 hours of volunteer work, a service-learning contract, and an oral and written reflection of the experience.