Drug-Free and Alcohol-Free Campus

Because the likelihood of success is dramatically reduced for students who abuse drugs or alcohol, Eastern Florida State College is committed to having drug-free and alcohol-free campuses. Illegal use of drugs or alcohol will not be tolerated on any EFSC campus or at any EFSC-sponsored event off campus.

Eastern Florida State College requires applicants to commit themselves to obeying the law and refraining from illegal drug and alcohol activity on its campuses and at its events. Applicants who cannot agree to this pledge will not be granted admission to Eastern Florida State College. However, they may be offered referral counseling to inform them of drug rehabilitation services in the community which may help them. The Associate Dean or Dean  can provide further information.

A student who commits a drug or alcohol-related offense on campus or while in attendance at a college event will be sanctioned up to and including suspension or expulsion. A student who tests positive for an illegal drug or controlled substance during screening for college-related programs or for program-related clinicals will also be sanctioned up to and including suspension or expulsion.

The College has the responsibility to refer for prosecution anyone engaging in illegal alcohol, drug, or controlled-substance activity on its campuses or off-campus events. A student who is convicted of any drug offense occurring on or away from campus must report it to the Associate Dean or Dean within five (5) business days.  Students may contact the same office for an explanation of appeal rights for each step of the disciplinary process.

For more information about drugs and alcohol, please review the College’s Drug-Free and Alcohol-Free Campus and Workplace Annual Notification