Course Descriptions and Information
- Accounting - General (ACG)
- Advertising (ADV)
- Aeronautical Science (ASC)
- Aerospace Studies (AFR)
- Air Conditioning (ACR)
- American History (AMH)
- American Literature (AML)
- American Sign Language (ASL)
- Animal Science (ANS)
- Animal Science Lec/Lab (ANSC)
- Animal Science Tech Lab (ATEL)
- Animal Science Tech Lc/Lb (ATEC)
- Animal Science Technology (ATE)
- Anthropology (ANT)
- Applied Music Brasses (MVB)
- Applied Music Keyboard (MVK)
- Applied Music Percussion (MVP)
- Applied Music Strings (MVS)
- Applied Music Voice (MVV)
- Applied Music Woodwinds (MVW)
- ARC Welding Lab (PMTL)
- ARC Welding Lec/Lab (PMTC)
- Architectural Drafting (TARC)
- Art (ART)
- Art History (ARH)
- Art Lec/Lab (ARTC)
- Astronomy (AST)
- Aviation Maintenance Manag (AVM)
- Aviation Maintenance Tech (AMT)
- Banking Related Courses (BRC)
- Biochemistry (Biophysics) (BCH)
- Biochemistry Lec/Lab (BCHC)
- Biological Science (BSC)
- Biological Science Lec/La (BSCC)
- Botany (BOTC)
- Business Law (BUL)
- Chemistry (CHM)
- Chemistry Lab (CHML)
- Chemistry Lecture/Lab (CHMC)
- Clinical Dental Hyg Lab (DEHL)
- Clinical Dental Lec/Lab (DEHC)
- Clinical Psychology (CLP)
- Communication (COM)
- Comp Sci and Info Systems (CIS)
- Computer Applications (CAP)
- Computer Engineering Tech (CET)
- Computer Engnr Lec/Lab (CETC)
- Computer Networks (CNT)
- Computer Programming (COP)
- Computer Software Enginee (CEN)
- Computer Tech Skill Lc/Lb (CTSC)
- Computer Technology Skills (CTS)
- Computers General Studies (CGS)
- Corrections (CJC)
- Cosmetology -Specialized Combined (CSPC)
- Cosmetology Lab (COSL)
- Creative Writing (CRW)
- Criminal Justice Basic Tr (CJK)
- Criminal Justice Lc/Lb (CJKC)
- Criminology & Criminal Jus (CCJ)
- Culinary Management Lc/Lb (FSSC)
- Dance, Emph on Activity (DAA)
- Dental Assisting (DEA)
- Dental Assisting Lab (DEAL)
- Dental Assisting Lab (DESL)
- Dental Assisting Lec/Lab (DESC)
- Dental Hygiene (DEH)
- Dental Support (DES)
- Developmental Psychology (DEP)
- Domestic Security (DSC)
- Economic Problems and Plcy (ECP)
- Economics (ECO)
- Education Early Childhood (EEC)
- Education Exceptional Children (EEX)
- Education Foundation/Polic (EDF)
- Education General (EDG)
- Education Technology/Media (EME)
- Education- Elementary (EDE)
- Electronic Engineer Lc/Lb (EETC)
- Electronic Engineering Tec (EET)
- Electronic Tch: Pwr Lc/Lb (ETPC)
- Electronic Tech: Power (ETP)
- Electronics Lecture/Lab (ETMC)
- Emergency Medical Lab (EMSL)
- Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
- Engineer Tech-Indus Lc/Lb (ETIC)
- Engineer Tech/Draft Lc/Lb (ETDC)
- Engineering General (EGN)
- Engineering Support (EGS)
- Engineering Tech Industria (ETI)
- Engineering Tech- Drafting (ETD)
- Engineering Tech: Special (ETSC)
- Engineering Tech: Specialt (ETS)
- English Composition (ENC)
- English Literature (ENL)
- English/Writing Developmental Ed (ENCV)
- Entomology (ENYC)
- Entrepreneurship (ENT)
- Environmental Studies (EVR)
- European History (EUH)
- Film (FIL)
- Finance (FIN)
- Firefighting & Protection (FFP)
- Forensics & Dis Response (CISC)
- French Language (FRE)
- General Business (GEB)
- Geography Info Systems (GIS)
- Geology (GLY)
- German (GER)
- Gerontology (GEY)
- Graphics Lec/Lab (GRAC)
- Health Care Providers Asst (HCP)
- Health Sciences (HSC)
- Health Sciences Lec/Lab (HSCC)
- Health Svcs Administration (HSA)
- Health, Leisure & PE (HLP)
- History - General (HIS)
- Horticultural Sci Lec/Lab (HOSC)
- Horticultural Science (HOS)
- Horticulture (ORHC)
- Hospitality Management (HFT)
- Human Nutrition (HUN)
- Human Nutrition Lec/Lab (HUNC)
- Human Services (HUS)
- Humanities (HUM)
- Information Systems Mgmt (ISM)
- Integrated Pest Maintenan (IPMC)
- Interdisciplinary Honors (IDH)
- Interdisciplinary Science (ISC)
- Interdisciplinary Soc Scie (ISS)
- Interdisciplinary Studies (IDS)
- Landscape Design (LDE)
- Law and Process (CJL)
- Law Enforcement (CJE)
- Library and Inform Studies (LIS)
- Literature (LIT)
- Management (MAN)
- Management - Applied (MNA)
- Marketing (MAR)
- Marketing Applications (MKA)
- Mass Media Communications (MMC)
- Math Calculus & Precalc (MAC)
- Math Developmental Ed (MATV)
- Math- Algebraic Structures (MAS)
- Mathematics (MAT)
- Mathematics - Applied (MAP)
- Mathematics - Discrete (MAD)
- Mathematics Genr & Finite (MGF)
- Medical Assisting (MEAC)
- Medical Assisting Tech (MEA)
- Medical Code/Biller Lc/Lb (HIMC)
- Medical Coder/Biller (HIM)
- Medical Laboratory Tech Lab (MLTL)
- Medical Laboratory Tech Lec/Lab (MLTC)
- Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT)
- Meteorology (MET)
- Microbiology (MCB)
- Microbiology Lec/Lab (MCBC)
- Military Science (ROTC)
- Music (MUS)
- Music Comm/Mgmt/Admin (MUMC)
- Music Composition (MUC)
- Music Conducting (MUG)
- Music Ensembles (MUN)
- Music Literature (MUL)
- Music Theory (MUT)
- Paralegal/Legal Assistant (PLA)
- Philosophy (PHI)
- Photography (PGY)
- Photography Lec/Lab (PGYC)
- Physical Education Land (PEL)
- Physical Education Perform (PEM)
- Physical Science (PSC)
- Physical Therapy (PHT)
- Physical Therapy Lab (PHTL)
- Physical Therapy Lec/Lab (PHTC)
- Physics (PHY)
- Physics Lab (PHYL)
- Physics Lec/Lab (PHYC)
- Plant Pathology Lec/Lab (PLPC)
- Plant Science (PLSC)
- Political Science (POS)
- Practical Nursing (PRN)
- Practical Nursing Lec/Lab (PRNC)
- Precision Metal Technology (PMT)
- Process Biology (PCB)
- Psychology (PSY)
- Public Administration (PAD)
- Public Health (PHC)
- Radio - Television (RTV)
- Radiography (RTE)
- Radiography Lab (RTEL)
- Radiography Lec/Lab (RTEC)
- Reading Developmental Ed (REAV)
- Reading Education (RED)
- Real Estate (REE)
- Religion (REL)
- Respiratory Care (RET)
- Respiratory Care Lab (RETL)
- Science Education (SCE)
- Small Business Management (SBM)
- Social Work (SOW)
- Sociology (SYG)
- Sonography (SON)
- Sonography Lab (SONL)
- Spanish Language (SPN)
- Speech Communication (SPC)
- Sports Management (SPM)
- Statistics (STA)
- Student Life Skills (SLS)
- Surgical Tech Lec/Lab (STSC)
- Surgical Tech Studies (STS)
- Taxation (TAX)
- Teaching English as a Second Language (TSL)
- Theatre Perform/Admin Lab (TPAL)
- Theatre Performance & Trng (TPP)
- Theatre Performance Lc/Lb (TPPC)
- Theatre Production & Adm (TPA)
- Theatre Studies (THE)
- Transportation Mgmt (TRA)
Course Prefix Definitions
The course prefix is a three-letter* designator for a major division of an academic discipline, subject matter area, or sub-category of knowledge. The prefix is not intended to identify the department in which a course is offered. Rather, the content of a course determines the assigned prefix to identify the course. Following is the EFSC Directory of Course Number Prefixes. To locate courses in a given subject, consult the prefix directory below.
*At EFSC, the fourth letter indicates the following: L - course is a laboratory course; C - course is combined lecture and lab; V - course is considered developmental level
Directory of Course Number Prefixes (Alphabetical)
Prefix Title | Subject |
ACG | Accounting - General |
ACR | HVACR - Air Conditioning |
ADV | Advertising |
AFR | Aerospace Studies |
AMH | American History |
AML | American Literature |
AMT | Aviation Maintenance Technology |
ANS | Animal Science |
ANSC | Animal Science Lec/Lab |
ANT | Anthropology |
APA | Accouting - Applied |
ARH | Art History |
ART | ART Art |
ARTC | Art Lec/Lab |
ASC | Aeronautical Science |
ASL | American Science Language |
AST | Astronomy |
ATE | Animal Science Tech Lec/Lab |
ATEC | Animal Science Tech Lec/Lab |
ATEL | Animal Science Tech Lab |
AVM | AVM Aviation Maintenance Management |
BCH | Biochemistry (Biophysics) |
BCHC | Biochemistry Lec/Lab |
BOTC | Botany |
BRC | Banking Related Courses |
BSC | Biological Science |
BSCC | Biological Science Lec/La |
BUL | Business Law |
CAP | Computer Applications |
CCJ | Criminology & Criminal Justice |
CEN | Computer Engineering Technology |
CET | Computer Engineering Technology |
CETC | Computer Engineer Lec/Lab |
CGS | Computers General Studies |
CHM | Chemistry |
CHMC | Chemistry Lecture/Lab |
CHML | Chemistry Lab |
CIS | Comp Sci and Info Systems |
CISC | Forensics & Dis Response |
CJC | Corrections |
CJE | Law Enforcement |
CJJ | Juvenile Justice |
CJK | Criminal Justice Basic Training |
CJKC | Criminal Justice Basic Training Lec/Lab |
CJL | Law and Process |
CLP | Clinical Psychology |
CNT | Computer Networks |
COM | Communication |
COP | Computer Programming |
COS | Cosmetology |
COSL | Cosmetology Lab |
CRW | Creative Writing |
CSP | Cosmetology - Specialized |
CSPL | Cosmetology Speciality Lab |
CTS | Computer Technology Skills |
CTSC | Computer Tech Skill Lec/Lab |
DAA | Dance, Emphasis on Activity |
DEA | Dental Assisting |
DEAL | Dental Assisting Lab |
DEH | Dental Hygiene |
DEHC | Clinical Dental Lec/Lab |
DEHL | Clinical Dental Hygiene Lab |
DEP | Developmental Psychology |
DES | Dental Support |
DESC | Dental Assisting Lec/Lab |
DESL | Dental Assisting Lab |
DSC | Domestic Security |
ECO | Economics |
ECP | Economic Problems and Policy |
EDE | Education - Elementary |
EDF | Education Foundation/Policy |
EEC | Education Early Childhood |
EET | Electronic Engineering Tec |
EETC | Electronic Engineer Lec/Lab |
EEX | Education Exceptional Child |
EGN | Engineering General |
EGS | Engineering Support |
EME | Education Technology/Media |
EMS | Emergency Medical Services |
EMSL | Emergency Medical Lab |
ENC | English Composition |
ENCV | Writing Developmental Ed |
ENL | English Literature |
ENT | Entrepreneurship |
ENYC | Entomology |
ETD | Engineering Tech-Drafting |
ETDC | Engineer Tech/Draft Lec/Lab |
ETI | Engineering Tech Industrial |
ETIC | Engineer Tech-Indus Lec/Lab |
ETMC | Electornics Lecture/Lab |
ETP | Electronic Tech: Power |
ETPC | Electronic Tech: Power Lec/Lab |
ETS | Engineering Tech: Specialty |
ETSC | Engineering Tech: Special |
EUH | European History |
EVR | Environmental Studies |
FFP | Firefighting & Protection |
FIL | Film |
FIN | Finance |
FRE | French Language |
FSSC | Culinary Management Lec/Lb |
GEB | General Business |
GER | German |
GEY | Gerontology |
GIS | Geography Info Systems |
GLY | Geology |
GRAC | Graphics Lec/Lab |
HCP | Health Care Providers (Assistants) |
HFT | Hospitality Management |
HIM | Medical Coder/Biller |
HIMC | Medical Code/Biller Lec/Lab |
HIS | History - General |
HLP | Health, Leisure & PE |
HOS | Horticultural Science |
HOSC | Horticultural Sci Lec/Lab |
HSA | Health Services Administration |
HSC | Health Sciences |
HSCC | Health Sciences Lec/Lab |
HUM | Humanities |
HUN | Human Nutrition |
HUNC | Human Nutrition Lec/Lab |
HUS | Human Services |
IDH | Interdisciplinary Honors |
IDS | Interdisciplinary Studies |
IPMC | Integrated Pest Maintenance |
ISC | Interdisciplinary Science |
ISM | Information Systems Management |
ISS | Interdisciplinary Social Sciences |
LDE | Landscape Design |
LIS | Library and Inform Studies |
LIT | Literature |
MAC | Math Calculus & Precalculus |
MAD | Mathematics - Discrete |
MAN | Management |
MAP | Mathematics - Applied |
MAR | Marketing |
MAS | Math - Algebraic Structures |
MAT | Mathematics |
MATV | Math Developmental Ed |
MCB | Microbiology |
MCBC | Microbiology Lec/Lab |
MEA | Medical Assisting Tech |
MEAC | Medical Assisting |
MET | Meterology |
MGF | Mathematics General & Finite |
MKA | Marketing Applications |
MLT | Medical Lab oratoryTechnology |
MLTC | Medical Laboratory Tech Lec/Lab |
MLTL | Medical Laboratory Tech Lab |
MMC | Mass Media Communications |
MNA | Management - Applied |
MUC | Music Composition |
MUG | Music Conducting |
MUL | Music Literature |
MUM | Music Commercial/Mgmt/Admin |
MUMC | Music Commerical/Mgmt/Admin-Lec/Lab |
MUML | Music Commercial/Mgmt/Admin Lab |
MUN | Music Ensembles |
MUS | Music |
MUT | Music Theory |
MUTC | Music Theory Lec/Lab |
MVB | Applied Music Brasses |
MVK | Applied Music Keyboard |
MVP | Applied Music Percussion |
MVS | Applied Music Strings |
MVV | Applied Music Voice |
MVW | Applied Music Woodwinds |
NUR | Nursing General Undergrad |
NURC | Nursing General Undergrad Lec/Lab |
NURL | Nursing Lab |
OCE | Oceanography |
ORHC | Horticulture |
OST | Office Administration |
PAD | Public Administration |
PCB | Process Biology |
PEL | Physical Education Land |
PEM | Physical Education Perform |
PGY | Photography |
PGYC | Photography Lec/Lab |
PHC | Public Health |
PHI | Philosophy |
PHT | Physical Therapy |
PHTC | Physical Therapy Lec/Lab |
PHTL | Physical Therapy Lab |
PHY | Physics |
PHYC | Physics Lec/Lab |
PHYL | Physics Lab |
PLA | Paralegal/Legal Assistant |
PLPC | Plant Pathology Lec/Lab |
PLSC | Plant Science |
PMT | Precision Metal Technology |
PMTC | ARC Welding Lec/Lab |
PMTL | ARC Welding Lab |
POS | Political Science |
PRN | Practical Nursing |
PRNC | Practical Nursing Lec/Lab |
PRNL | Practical Nursing Lab |
PSC | Physical Science |
PSY | Psychology |
QMB | Quant Methods in Business |
REAV | Reading Developmental Ed |
REE | Real Estate |
REL | Religion |
RET | Respiratory Care |
RETL | Respiratory Care Lab |
ROTC | Military Science |
RTE | Radiography |
RTEC | Radiography Lec/Lab |
RTEL | Radiography Lab |
RTV | Radio - Television |
SBM | Small Business Management |
SCE | Science Education |
SLS | Student Life Skills |
SON | Sonography |
SONL | Sonography Lab |
SOW | Social Work |
SPC | Speech Communication |
SPM | Sports Management |
SPN | Spanish Language |
STA | Statistics |
STS | Surgical Tech Studies |
STSC | Surgical Tech Studies Lec/Lab |
SYG | Sociology |
TARC | Architectural Drafting |
TAX | Taxation |
THE | Theatre Studies |
TPA | Theatre Production & Administration |
TPAL | Theatre Perform/Admin Lab |
TPP | Theatre Performance & Training |
TPPC | Theatre Performance Lec/Lab |
TRA | Transportation Logistics |
ZOO | Zoology |
ZOOC | Zoology Lec/Lab |
Florida Statewide Course Numbering System
Courses in this catalog are identified by prefixes and numbers that were assigned by Florida’s Statewide Course Numbering System (SCNS), Section 1007.24, Florida Statutes. This numbering system is used by all public postsecondary institutions in Florida and by participating nonpublic institutions. The major purpose of this system is to facilitate the transfer of courses between participating institutions. Students and administrators can use the online SCNS to obtain course descriptions and specific information about course transfer between participating Florida institutions. This information is at the SCNS website at
Each participating institution controls the title, credit, and content of its own courses and recommends the first digit of the course number to indicate the level at which students normally take the course. Course prefixes and the last three digits of the course numbers are assigned by Discipline Coordinators.
The course prefix and each digit in the course number have a meaning in the SCNS. The listing of prefixes and associated courses is referred to as the “SCNS taxonomy.” Descriptions of the content of courses are referred to as “statewide course profiles.”
The Statewide Course Numbering System is a classification system based on course content. A course is identified by a prefix, level number, course number, and lab code.
The prefix is a three-letter abbreviation representing a broad subject area.
The level number is the first numeric digit of the course number, representing the year in college the course is usually taken:
Number | Description |
0 | college preparatory or vocational |
1-2 | lower-level college courses (freshman, sophomore) |
3-4 | upper-level college courses (junior, senior) |
5-9 | graduate courses |
The three-digit course number identifies the specific content of the course.
The lab code is used to indicate that a course is a laboratory component of a lecture/lab pair, or that an integrated lab is a component of a combined course. If no lab code is specified, the course does not include a laboratory component.
- L = lab section of a lecture/lab pair
- C = combined lecture/lab course
The following is an example of a course identifier:
Prefix (subject area) | Level | Course Number | Lab Code |
AMH | 2 | 020 | -- |
In this example, AMH 2020 US History Since 1877 is an US History Since 1877 course within the American History (AMH) subject area that is taught at the lower (sophomore) level. The course has no lab component.
The Course Prefix
The course prefix is a three-letter designator for a major division of an academic discipline, subject matter area, or subcategory of knowledge. The prefix is not intended to identify the department in which a course is offered. Rather, the content of a course determines the assigned prefix to identify the course.
Authority for Acceptance of Equivalent Courses
Under Section 1007.24(7), Florida Statutes
Any student who transfers among postsecondary institutions that are fully accredited by a regional or national accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education and that participate in the statewide course numbering system shall be awarded credit by the receiving institution for courses satisfactorily completed by the student at the previous institutions. Credit shall be awarded if the courses are judged by the appropriate statewide course numbering system faculty committees representing school districts, public postsecondary educational institutions, and participating nonpublic postsecondary educational institutions to be academically equivalent to courses offered at the receiving institution, including equivalency of faculty credentials, regardless of the public or nonpublic control of the previous institution. The Department of Education shall ensure that credits to be accepted by a receiving institution are generated in courses for which the faculty possess credentials that are comparable to those required by the accrediting association of the receiving institution. The award of credit may be limited to courses that are entered in the statewide course numbering system. Credits awarded pursuant to this subsection shall satisfy institutional requirements on the same basis as credits awarded to native students.
Exceptions to the General Rule for Equivalency
Since the initial implementation of the SCNS, specific disciplines or types of courses have been excepted from the guarantee of transfer for equivalent courses. These include courses that must be evaluated individually or courses in which the student must be evaluated for mastery of skill and technique. The following courses are exceptions to the general rule for course equivalencies and may not transfer. Transferability is at the discretion of the receiving institution.
- Courses not offered by the receiving institution.
- For courses at non-regionally accredited institutions, courses offered prior to the established transfer date of the course in question.
- Courses in the X900-999 series are not automatically transferrable, and must be evaluated individually (see Appendix B).
- College preparatory and vocational preparatory courses (0-level).
- Graduate courses.
- Internships, apprenticeships, practicums, clinical experiences and study-abroad courses with numbers other than those in the X900-999 series.
- Applied courses in the performing arts (Art, Dance, Interior Design, Music, and Theatre) and skills courses in Criminal Justice (academy certificate courses) are not guaranteed as transferable. These courses need evidence of achievement (i.e., portfolio, audition, interview, etc.). The specific categories or courses that are not guaranteed to transfer are as follows:
- Art Courses prefixed ART are not guaranteed transferable.
- Criminal Skills courses in Criminal Justice (academy certificate Justice courses) are not guaranteed transferable.
- Dance Courses prefixed DAA are not guaranteed transferable.
- Interior All courses in Interior Design are not guaranteed Design transferable.
- Music Courses prefixed MVB, MVH, MVJ, MVK, MVO, MVP, (Applied) MVS, MVV, and MVW are not guaranteed transferable. Theatre Courses prefixed TPP with numbers ranging from 000–299 are not guaranteed transferable.
Dual enrollment courses completed in high school, and credit completed by examination for which credit is awarded by a participating institution, will transfer on the same basis as courses satisfactorily completed at the participating institution. The receiving institution is never precluded from accepting nonequivalent courses to satisfy certain requirements (e.g., electives).
More information is available in the SCNS Handbook linked under Latest News on the SCNS home page.
Courses at Non-regionally Accredited Institutions
The SCNS makes available on its home page ( a report entitled “Courses at Non-regionally Accredited Institutions” that contains a comprehensive listing of all nonpublic institution courses in the SCNS inventory, as well as each course’s transfer level and transfer effective date. This report is updated monthly.
Questions about the SCNS and appeals regarding course credit transfer decisions should be directed to Eastern Florida State College, Office of the Registrar at 321-433-7284 or to the:
Florida Department of Education
Office of Articulation
1244 Turlington Building
325 West Gaines Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400.
Reports and technical information may be requested by calling the SCNS office at (850) 245-0427 or at